Dry Dock Adventure!

The start of 2015 finds the SSS Odyssey resting comfortably in dry dock. She was sailed up to the Foss Shipyard in Seattle on December 14th, and she waited patiently for a spot in dry dock. After a berth was found to accommodate our rather large keel, the Foss shipyard crew built cribbing to secure the ship safely so work could begin. At this point a committed group of adult volunteers began the daily process of tracking of her shipyard progress and working on projects best suited to being out of the water. This has been a fantastic opportunity for our Sea Scout crew members to get a look at our beautiful ship bellow the waterline. This is a very busy time and there has been plenty of work to do as we comb through the ship from stem to stern! Our volunteers have been hard at work in the bilge updating an assortment of components. Working in concert with the wonderful Foss team our volunteers have replaced thru hulls, updated plumbing, replaced planks, painted the hull and been working long and hard to ensure a successful and efficient dry docking!
“If you want to build a ship, don't drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea..."
- Antoine de Saint Exupery