Can I Drive?
Do you know what the hardest thing about growing up on a boat is?
As someone who has been piloting a 90 foot vessel since the age of 15,…
Being Young at Sea
My crew and I all pretty much have the same problem: we are very bad at being inconspicuous. Perhaps it’s the bright red t-shirts, perhaps it’s the huge duffle bags and random pieces of drift wood. More than likely…
India Tango Firefighting Training
This winter the crew of the SSS Odyssey found their way up to Fremont Maritime Services on a rainy Saturday morning with eager hopes of participating in the first day of two India Tango shipboard firefighting and safety training sessions. The first day…
Dry Dock Adventure!
The start of 2015 finds the SSS Odyssey resting comfortably in dry dock. She was sailed up to the Foss Shipyard in Seattle on December 14th, and …
Merry Christmas from the SSS Odyssey
Merry Christmas from the SSS Odyssey! The weekend of December 6th was the special peoples cruise, and it was a huge success.