Odyssey Crew Activity Photos
Come join the fun!

Practicing man-overboard rescue techniques

Practicing emergency flare safety

Practicing deploying the emergency life raft

Practicing man-overboard rescue techniques

Practicing shipboard firefighting techniques

Practicing shipboard firefighting techniques

Practicing shipboard firefighting techniques

Looking up and aft from the foredeck

At dock

Taking a turn at the helm

A night in Seattle

Hauling on the halyard is a group effort

Hauling on the halyard is a routine effort

Keeping the ship running smooth

Crew campfire

Docking is yet another team effort

Crew campfire

Sailing with other tall ships

Crew picture during the annual Santa Cruise in Lake Union

A good day sailing

Cranking the winch to get the 1,872 square feet of mainsail up the mast.

Dousing the sails at sunset

Official crew photo while underway

A good windy day

Perfect weather

Hauling the mainsail up the mast

Darn good sailing

Occasionally we sail close enough to a buoy to say hello to it's occupants!

Crew chilling in the cockpit

Yet more chilling in the cockpit
Sailing in Elliot Bay, Seattle
Dousing the mainsail is a team effort

Rowing to shore for showers and ice cream.

Everyone gets a turn at the helm!
Since Odyssey is so big, we always need to have someone posted as lookout.

Practicing navigation!

Time for a cookout on Sucia Island!

Mmmm... hot dogs over an open fire.

Sailing skills are important, but so are vessel maintenance skills. Even our sails require some tender loving care now and then.

Early mornings on deck are often very peaceful.

Sea kayaking 50 miles in 5 days isn't an activity for the faint of heart. But having good buddies on the trip and the sights make it all worth the effort.

Sometimes learning sailing principles is easier in a smaller boat.